A collection of interviews and insights focusing on diversity, young professionals, international business and entrepreneurship. 

Meaningful Connections in Vietnam: Denise Sandquist (CEO of Fika)

Born in Vietnam, adopted to Sweden, returned to Vietnam. I chat to Denise Sandquist about her life journey and her reasons for creating Fika (a female-focused AI social & dating app) in Vietnam. Listen more to Denise's story in this podcast episode.

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Indonesia VC Perspectives: Jason Pard (Aksara Ventures)

In this podcast episode, I chat to Jason Pard, Partner at Aksara Ventures, an Indonesian Venture Capital firm looking to back the bold ideas and resolute operators at the edge of breaking out. Listen to this post episode to hear more about Jason.

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Are Australian VCs Investing in Asia?

Are Australian VCs investing in Asia? VC’s often talk about the need for their portfolio companies to go global, but are Australian VCs themselves global? I compile a list of Aussie VCs that have a presence in Asia or have invested in Asian startups.

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